Our contribution to a better world

Our contribution to a better world

Sustainable products

The advance of

Durable products

We work with suppliers who are constantly developing to come up with new and improved solutions. Solutions that also contribute to a more sustainable, safer and healthier environment.

Reduce emissions

Our logistics partners are committed to

Reduce emissions

We work with carriers who are actively committed to sustainability and environmentally friendly practices. Examples include reducing emissions through more efficient route planning, the use of smaller trucks, more efficient driving techniques, shifting capacity to rail and sea shipping.

Mavom sponsors electric driving

Socially involved with

Sponsor Partners

Mavom sponsors electric driving. We sponsor a student team in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany with our knowledge of e-mobility applications. In our wide range of Specialty Chemicals we always find a suitable product to make electric racing possible.

How can we help you?

Do you have questions about our products or certain applications? We are here to help you find the right chemistry for your application. Please contact us by webform or give us a call on +31 (0) 172 27 6000.

More about Mavom

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